Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mini-golf for Mugisha!

I think I will let the pictures tell the story!

Rudi Koornneef: Fundraising Coordinator Extraordinaire!

Just some happy golfers!

Mugisha Ministries President, Mark Seltzer and his wife Annie who is also on the board of directors for MM came out to support the event!

Our display.

The tee shirts given to every golfer.....such a cute model, huh?!

That's me on the left and this is Anne Stewart, Mugisha Ministries Treasurer and Secretary, and yeah, she's awesome!

One of the fabulous cupcakes donated by Rudi's mom, Beth, that started a business called, "Cupcakes for a Cause". Each golfer was given a coupon to redeem one cupcake of their choice. YUM!

When all golfers were finished their 18 holes they gathered under the tent. They were about to announce the winners to the raffle, but Rudi asked me to address the crowd and tell them a bit about Mugisha Ministries.

Here is Rudi with her very proud mom and dad.

Here I am with Rudi and Mark, the owner of Chuckster's.

In addition to providing the venue, Chuckster's also gave each golfer free ice cream and a flex coupon to be used anytime to ride the go-carts or use the batting cages. Lot's of fun stuff to do at Chuckster' they say it's FUNbelievable!

Ok....Here is Rudi presenting me with the final check after all the festivities were over.

In this picture I had not yet even looked at the amount and I'm glad I didn't, 'cause when I did, I got a little teary and when that happens, my nose gets instantly red....rudolph red! Anyway....this amazing young woman raised ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY ONE dollars! That amount will provide 35 children with a complete package of supplies including uniforms, exercise books, pens, and mathematical sets. What an impact this will have on these children. Thank you Rudi, and all her friends that came out to support this event. We were blessed and these children will be too.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Mini-golf Fundraiser

About a month before I left for Uganda the youth pastor announced at youth group one night that the offering collected over the next month would be given to Mugisha Ministries to use to bless the orphans of Uganda. I had no idea. I am on youth staff at our church and so I was there, of course, and he asked me to come up and say a few words about Mugisha Ministries and what we would be doing in Uganda. After youth group was over, one girl came up to talk to me and she was all excited. She said that she was doing her senior project on orphans in Africa and she needed to interview someone related to her topic. She asked to interview me. I said, "of course!". We emailed back and forth a few times for the interview and then she sent me an email stating that as part of her senior project she was planning a fundraiser to give to "orphans" and that she was originally going to give the money to a larger organization, but that she really wanted to be a part of helping Mugisha Ministries. She spoke to the sponsor hosting the event and he agreed that he would love the proceeds to go to a more "local" organization.

The really cool part of the story for me is that I was just asking God for encouragement in this area. I knew that we needed to start putting together a committee of some sort to work on fundraising and awareness events and then....BAM....encouragement pops into my inbox from this young woman who has already planned out first fundraiser for us. God is so cool!

The event is: "Mini-golf for MUGISHA"

Located at: Chuckster’s Family Entertainment Center, Chichester, NH

Hosted by: Rudi Koornneef as a fundraiser for Mugisha Ministries

Saturday, May 14, 9:00am (rain date May 21)

$15 per person; open to everyone

Includes: 18-hole “instant win” round of mini golf, ice cream, soft drinks, event T-shirt, prizes Proceeds benefit Mugisha Ministries Rwanda Education program

Every hole will have an instant win prize for everyone who gets a hole-in-one! Prizes include Chucksters passes, restaurant gift certificates, sodas, and more!

Register by email to:; limited to first 72 registrants

Be sure to stay tuned....I will post pictures of the event and let you know what a great success it was!

If you can't make the event, but would like to give to the educational sponsorship program, you can do so by using paypal at the top of the blog.

The money raised will go toward buying textbooks, uniforms, and supplies for all the children that are currently being sponsored. There will also be an opportunity for people to "sign up" to become a sponsor of a child in need of educational scholarships. If you want to sponsor a child for $30 per month, leave a comment or email Tina at