Friday, May 1, 2015

Safari Day!

We were advised to get up at the crack of dawn to get to Akagera National Park early to be sure we could get a guide.  So we were up at 3:30, left by 4:00 and were there before 7am.  The guesthouse we are staying at is amazing. They had a full breakfast and to go boxes with all kinds of stuff for us to make sandwiches to bring with us.  They even gave us a cooler to keep everything in, and a bag of popcorn.  Adorable.  And so thoughtful.
We didn't even get to the main gate of the park before seeing this...
It was amazing!  We had to wait a while to be sure there were no more elephants just about to cross the road.  As we passed by and looked over to where this elephant had entered the trees and brush, we saw about 6 of them.  It was a great start to the day.
After making it to the gate, and getting our guide, we tried to track these elephants to see if we could get some more pics of it.  We did. It was our driver's first time seeing an elephant too so that was fun to see him get all excited like the rest of us.
Then we entered the game park again and within about 2 minutes we came upon zebras and throughout the day all the rest...

There were many baboons, but this one cracked me up. He just sat there very unimpressed with us while many of the others were flitting around and nervous mommas were snatching up there little ones and running for the hills!
This was really cool.  We were so close to these hippos, it was amazing!  There were about 4 of them just lying in the grass just near the lake.
The elephants were so active, that we kept coming across large branches and entire trees just snapped off from the elephants as they would move around. At one point this tree was blocking the road and our driver and guide could not get it to move out of the way so the guide held it back as much as he could and the driver went into the brush on one side to get around it.  It was definitely an adventure.
This picture does not do the views justice.  This place is so beautiful that you just have to be here to appreciate it.
To experience this week with these four people has been incredible.

As I write this we are about to get ready for our last day in Rwanda and we have many things to do.  We are going to start our day with a tour of the orphanage where JP spent his first year. Then we will go to the bagel place here in Kigali followed by a few other errands and then we plan to finish our time here at the National Genocide Memorial in Nyamata.
Until next time Rwanda....

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