Monday, April 20, 2015

Season of change...

The past 2 years have been a season of change for Mugisha Ministries as we have tried to redefine who we are.  We were birthed with a passion for adoption and followed God's leading to assist families in navigating independent adoptions in Rwanda and then Uganda. We were blessed to see the Lord knit together 25 families.  While we still have big hearts for adoption, we are eager to find other ways to provide love and hope to vulnerable children.  We believe that we are better together!  What we mean is that, ministries with similar passions are better when they can come together and support each other.  This is our new endeavor.  We still manage our sponsorship program for students who need support for school fees and supplies.
We still do fundraising events to raise awareness and help provide for needs that we hear about.  Last year we raised enough money to buy a "boda-boda" for a baby home in Uganda that rehabilitates children back to health and provides training and support to their families to keep them together.

And now, we have decided to live out our vision of partnering with other organizations that are able to have an impact 365 days a year.  Our goal is to be a blessing to other ministries that have needs. We can reach out to those ministries and plan a short term mission trip to send teams to go and be a blessing to help out that organization with whatever they need.  

This year our focus has been raising money to cover a trip to Rwanda that would provide our sponsor kids with a mini-conference/luncheon where we would have encouraging bible teachings, crafts and games.  Through community fundraising efforts we will be able to supply each student with a backpack full of extra school supplies.

In addition, we have also been able to begin exciting "renovations" to a girls home in Rwanda. Through generous support from local companies and others, we have purchased new living room furniture,
a dining table and chairs 
and made necessary repairs on the water tank.  
We are very excited to go to Rwanda in a few days to begin some more work that will help make this house a home for these girls.  
Here is our team...
I have asked each team member to write a little something to introduce themselves.  So from left to right...
Juliet: I am so blessed by this opportunity to visit Rwanda this spring. It has been a desire of my heart for quite a while to travel to Africa and to be given the chance really is incredible. Leading up to this trip, financial blessings along with personal spiritual growth has been one of the most noteworthy times of my life. His provisions do not only satisfy my flesh and physical needs, but also His constant source of joy and peace is greater than I could ever ask or pretend to know. Many people have expressed concern hearing that I would be traveling to Africa, but excitement has drowned out any lies the enemy has tried to tell me. My God is great and Jesus is in relentless pursuit of lost people and to be chosen as a vessel to turn their hearts back is such an honor. 
Anne: I am so thankful for this opportunity to travel and serve in Rwanda. It has been incredible to see the Lord bring this team together and provide the funds for our trip. Please pray for us as we go, that God will use us to show His love to each person we meet. I most look forward to watching God work through our team by giving us the chance to serve and minister to the people we meet.
Brayden: This trip is going to change the lives of many people including myself. I want to go to Rwanda and influence the lives of many boys and girls by showing them the love of Jesus.  I am looking forward to spending time with the boys and girls and building bonds with them that I will keep in my heart forever.  I cannot believe it is finally time to go and I know God will use this team to do amazing things.
Tina: I always look forward to my time in Africa.  It is hard to describe what it means to me to be surrounded by my African brothers and sisters and to have them teach me so much about how life should be.  I am reminded every time I go of what is most important in life and that is relationship:  Relationship with God, my Father, and relationship with all His children. I am blessed to be a part of this small team of people that truly love each other and will be able to share this experience that will no doubt change us, and bring us closer as a team, but more importantly bring us closer to the one we hope to serve, Jesus.  My prayer is that we will follow His leading every moment!
Ray: What I most looking forward to this trip is to learn from everyone we come in contact with and come back a better person. I believe the Lord has put me on this journey for a reason, and I’m just going to dive in without any expectations.

So stayed tuned as we plan to use this blog to update you as we journey to the Land of a Thousand Hills!

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