Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mugisha Ministries in Uganda

As I type this post there are probably 100 other things I should be doing to get ready for my trip to Uganda, and yet I will sit and take a moment to reflect and dream. I never would have imagined 4 years ago that I would be preparing for my 4th trip to Africa! But adoption changes everything! It changes YOU, it changes your family, it changes your priorities and in my case, it has changed my "work". I am trained to be a teacher and while I am not in a classroom setting anymore, in some ways I use those skills even today. God has done amazing things in my life and I am learning everyday what it means to truly hope.....to wait EXPECTANTLY for Him in every circumstance.

I am clinging to this hope as I get to head into some unknowns and wait for Him to show me His will for me personally and for the future of this ministry. I TRUST that He has equipped me for this, but if I am honest, I don't FEEL equipped. But I am also learning lately that if I let my FEELINGS dictate my state of mind, I will live in fear and that is NOT how He calls us to live. I am to be bold and I am to live in TRUTH.

The truth is that I believe He has called me to this. The truth is that the Lord loves me, He loves the orphan, and He has called me to DO something. Will my efforts be fruitful? The truth is that HIS will WILL be done as I submit to HIs leading. Will the outcome be what I expect and hope it to be? I have no idea....but I can trust that He will never leave me or forsake me. And I can trust that obedience will bring blessing. It may not be what I want or hope to happen, but I know that whatever happens there is purpose in it. So I go knowing that I cannot change the world, but I can do my part to change the world for ONE child at a time. Let the adventure begin!

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