Friday, April 15, 2011

Thursday: Jinja

Today we had a meeting in the morning and then headed out to Jinja to visit another home. We made a few pit-stops along the that I will remember whenever I think of Uganda. Now, I know you might be expecting some description of some real poignant moment or encounter with someone along the way that touched my heart oh so deeply...but in was an unforgettable experience with chicken! was chicken on a stick. Yummy AND fun!

On the way to Jinja there is sort of a road side market/BBQ. I can’t remember what it was called, but if you ever plan to come to Uganda all you have to do is ask anyone to take you to the place (on the way to Jinja) that has chicken thighs cooked over the fire. Of course it is a long way to go just for chicken on a stick, so make a day of it and actually go all the way into Jinja for the day. There are some cool sights to see in Jinja, some pretty falls and rapids of the Nile River and even the source of the Nile is there. There is a place you can bungi jump over the Nile too. The best part about going all the way into Jinja for the day is that you can get chicken for lunch on the way there....and then stop for dinner on the way back! And if you are like might even get 2 chicken sticks for dinner...I know...oink. But it was worth good!...ok I promise...I’ll stop about the chicken more thing that might make all the difference in your future chicken on a stick experiences in Uganda...don’t buy the chicken from the millions of people that will rush to your car but ask your driver or Ugandan friend to get out of the car and go to the fire to get the fresh ones. They also have liver pieces or chicken gizzards on a stick too! This reminds me that we have all these pictures but can you believe that we forgot to pack the cord to download the pics to my laptop! will have to wait till we get home to see some pics of our adventures.

As a sidenote, probably did not make any news back home, but people have been holding these “walk to work” protests to express to the government that the fuel prices are out of control and as we were heading out of Kampala some commotion began between police and the protestors... and then apparently another protest was going on in another town that we had passed through already. The only way we knew anything even was happening was that someone had called one of our friends and asked where they were to make sure they weren’t caught in the commotion. So we felt very protected by God to have not been caught up in all that during our travels! Needless to say, we decided to hang out in Jinja for longer than we had originally planned in order to not hit any major towns along the way during “rush hour”. We did not see a single issue there or back. Jinja...we visited a baby home that we just loved. The aunties were awesome, they knew every child’s name and age. We were there during nap time so we did not disturb their naps but just played with a few that were awake while we chatted with 2 aunties and got a tour of the 2 different facilities that they run. One for babies and one for older kiddos.

After our visit there, we decided to go see Bujagali Falls along the Nile River. It was beautiful and a nice cool spot on a hot day. Best part.... I got to put my feet in the Nile River!

After that, we decided we could head back to Kampala, with one important pit-stop on the way home...for CHICKEN...I know I promised to stop...but I couldn’t resist. =) Can you see how happy I am about the chicken!

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