Tuesday, April 12, 2011


As I type this entry, I am sitting in the car as we drive back to Kampala. I look out the window at the green hills in the back ground with the red clay in the forefront and am once again just struck by God’s creation and the beauty of Africa. I wonder how it is that I have come to love a land so foreign to me and yet it feels like home at the same time. Only God can do such a thing. Sometimes people here think Americans are the lucky ones and that we are so blessed and I can’t help but laugh at the fact that I have the opposite opinion. Yes, I have more possessions, but these things are only a temptation to cling to something other than God. These people simply love God for WHO HE IS....not WHAT He has blessed them with. Can I say the same? Can you?

Sorry for the heavy, deep thought moment....let me just get back to telling you about my day =) So we arrived back in Kampala in good time and proceeded to a market to gather more supplies of food for tomorrow’s agenda. We will go to 3 different baby homes near Kampala and try to be a blessing to the children and workers there. After the market we came back to clean up a bit and try to email our family. We were invited to meet with a ministry that our driver participates in call “Be a Blessing” ministry. What a treat. We were greeted so warmly and laughed with each other. One of the men on the team introduced himself as “Brown”, to which Brock says, “I noticed!” and I went to shake his hand and said, “I am white.” They all busted out laughing...it was so fun to joke around with them. Brown proceeded to share a passage from Luke chapter 19 and then he shared how God was speaking to him through these verses and then we all had the opportunity to share our thoughts on the verses. We then heard about their ministry which is really all about using your passions and talents to BE A BLESSING and seek ways to take action. They closed the meeting by singing, “Worthy is the Lamb” and praying. Across the street from where we were meeting is a restaurant called Cafe Roma.

We got some yummy pizza for dinner and came back to the guesthouse to organize all the donated items to be distributed tomorrow. We look forward to more smiles,giggles, and laughter that we know tomorrow will bring.

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