Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Thank you all for praying. I heard from my daughter that Brayden is feeling better today. I am trying to stay awake so that I can give the kids a call in about an hour. We had another great day. Really fun. We were able to visit a few different baby homes today and learned more about the work they do.
Nsambya was a very well organized home with many helpers and children that all seemed very happy and content. I loved seeing their facility and learning more about all the work they do for vulnerable children of all ages. Our wheels are spinning as we contemplate how we might be able to support their efforts in educating children and training the older girls with skills to earn a living. Brock and I each got to hold some wee little ones as we toured the rest of the home. I really loved this home and was impressed with the cleanliness and organization that made it clear they want the best for these kids.
We also visited Dwelling Places and I don't think I could even remember all the different ministries that they manage, but it is incredible... they go out in to the streets and build relationships with the street children and from there they have several programs to educate and reintegrate the children back into their communities. They do so many things it is hard to even describe. Most of the children here ranged from age 6 or 7-17 years old so when we brought out the jump ropes and soccer balls they were overjoyed. One of the teachers told me that they had been wanting jump ropes so badly. That made my day! We had many for them and it was so fun to see them jumping rope with huge smiles from ear to ear. We also got to pass out little bendable figures some shaped like animals and there were a few ninjas and cowboys mixed in and when I handed a ninja to one of the older boys he shouted out, "oh yes!" I think he must have been 16 or so but was thrilled to have this small ninja toy. LOVED that moment.
Another favorite moment was when Brock was holding one little boy about a year old and a girl about 3. Both kiddos had a lollipop and even though the baby boy had his own pop he was sucking on, this sweet girl bit a small piece off of her pop and placed it in the babies mouth. LOVE THAT
Ok another cute moment....we had opened the suitcase full of shoes and clothes and a pair of green flip flops fell out on the ground and this little 3 year old girl, who had been very shy all morning, just stood there staring at them and when I looked closely, she had one little finger pointing at them....I could tell she really wanted these new shoes so I helped her put them on and she almost smiled...then I pulled out a pair of boys athletic pants and she immediately stripped down so that she could put them on. PRECIOUS! I finally got a smile when she started playing with a jump rope.
Well I'm getting sleepy so I will sign off and try to call home now. Until tomorrow......

1 comment:

  1. Hi tina! Oh, I am so glad to follow your trip and hear all your updates. I have many families to refer to you if Uganda is a go-ahead. I'll be lifting up you and Brock that the Lord would give you opportunity, wisdom and vision.
