Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sentimental Meatballs!

I can hardly believe that I am sitting in my living room at 3:15 pm and it is quiet and I am finished cooking meals for my family during the 12 days I will be in Africa.



Sloppy Joes

french toast

pot roast



I’m not sure how this happened, that I am alone and (sort of) finished with most my chores for the day...but I am glad to have a moment before the craziness of the next 3 days begins.

Tomorrow will include 1 cleaning job, 1 trip to the bank, 1 or 5 hours(just kidding) of baking for the Awesome 80’s Party, and 1 final family dinner before I leave on Sunday evening.

Saturday will be a whirlwind as we head to the church early to get set up for the Awesome 80s Fundraising event for Mugisha.

Sunday morning I will spend with my family and pack. (Yes, I am a bit of a last minute packer). My flight leaves Sunday evening from Boston. And I will arrive in Kigali exactly 24 hours later on Monday evening. =) Here is my pile of stuff that needs to be packed and there is much more that I still haven't gotten together yet...

What strikes me most as I sit in this “quiet before the chaos” is how very fortunate I am to have the family I have.

First of all, I was blessed at birth with the parents God so wisely chose for me; firm yet loving, wise and generous, kind and affectionate. My brother is one of the most patient, loving dads I know. And my sister is one of those people that would do anything for you and my kids think they are so much fun.

My husband is unlike any man I know. He has a quiet strength and is the one person who can always make me laugh, no matter how “serious” I may feel. He gives and gives everyday to make my job as a mom and wife easier as I try to balance home, work and the ministry. I’m not sure what he has gotten out of this deal called our marriage, but I know that he is MINE and I am HIS forever.

My children, my heart. They are all so amazing in their own ways. They are each unique and yet one of the things I love about them most is what they share. They share a warmth about them, they share a love for their family, they are all hard-working and quick to forgive.

My “in-laws”, the parents and the sister (and brother) have loved and accepted me from day 1 when Brock and I were just friends for 2 years! =) Looking back after 19 years of marriage it is sort of funny how both sets of parents cheered us on when we didn’t even like each other “that way”. Makes me laugh.....I guess sometimes our parents can see things with a different lens. =) But in-laws are “all hands on deck” kind of people. If one of us has a project or a goal...they will do anything and everything to help make it happen. Love that.

My have good friends that really love me no matter what. Friends that will do ANYTHING for me ANYTIME, ANY DAY. All I have to do is ask. I wish everybody could have friends like this, but I can’t imagine that many awesome people are really out there. (and I’m really not willing to share mine, sorry, just being real).

Ministry partners. I’ve got a pretty great bunch of people on board and I definitely could not run Mugisha Ministries without them. They are wise and kind and they always have my back and keep me grounded while daring me to dream big. =)

So while I’m not sure how or why all that spilled out during these quiet moments, but I may as well make this my first official post as I begin my 5th journey to Africa. =)

Stay tuned there is more to share about my journey...but it probably won’t get posted until Monday evening when I arrive in Kigali, of a thousand hills and one of my favorite places on earth.

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